Vasa Museum
Vasa is the name of Swedish warship that had to be the most powerful one in the Baltic, if not the world of that time. But it sank during its first and last voyage on 10th of August 1628. Due to miscalculations in construction it managed to sail away only 1300 meters. The ship was lifted only in 1961 and preserved. Now it is the only ship of XVII century and one of the most Stockholm attractions.
The Royal Palace of Stockholm
The Royal Palace of Stockholm is one of the largest palaces in the world. It has 608 rooms on seven floors and houses state apartment, living rooms, Royal apartments and museum. This combination of royal residence, workplace and culture-historical monument open year round to visitors makes the Royal Palace of Stockholm unique amongst Europe’s royal residences.
The City Hall
The City Hall is one of Stockholm most popular tourist attractions. Located on the eastern tip of Kungsholmen island it is considered one of Sweden’s foremost examples of national romanticism in architecture. The building was inaugurated on 23 June 1923 and the construction took twelve years.
At the same time it is administrative building and the venue of the Nobel Prize banquet which is held there in the Blue Hall on 10th of December each year.
Junibacken museum
Junibacken is located in Stockholm on Djurgarden island and can be translated as “sunny meadow”. This is a real cultural centre for both children and adults. It is the place where authors of children’s books and illustrators are showcased and inspire others. Here one can take a journey with a small train through some of Astrid Lindgren’s stories or play and communibate with characters of different fairy tales. Every day there are held various exhibitions and theatre performances that are based on works by the Nordic region’s finest authors of children’s books.
Skansen Open-Air Museum
Skansen is the world’s oldest open-air museum and also the Stockholm zoo, with animals native to Scandinavia. Museum was opened in 1891 on Royal Djurgården and now it might be called as “Sweden in a nutshell” as it is showcasing the whole of Sweden with houses and farmsteads from every part of the country.
Here is one can learn of Swedish traditions and crafts, join the selebrations and various activities. It’s a perfect family outing.
Tivoli “Gröna Lund”
This amusement park exists since 1883. Gröna Lund is the funniest place in Stockholm! It has over 30 attractions and is a popular venue for concerts in the summer.
You can experience the thrill of “free fall” from the highest attraction in Europe which offers stunning view from a height of 80 meters. Do not miss attend new attraction “Crazy roller coaster” and catapult.
The park also offer variety of attractions for children.
Royal Swedish Opera
Royal Swedish Opera (Swedish: Kungliga Operan) is Sweden’s national stage for opera and ballet. The old opera was destroyed in 1892 to start the construction of a new opera house that was completed seven years later. It was opened by King Oscar II. The first performance was Swedish opera Estrella de Soria by Franz Berwald.
Драматический театр
Шведский королевский драматический театр открыт 17 мая 1788 в Стокгольме. До 70-х гг. 19 в. в исполнительной манере актёров господствовала декламационность; в репертуаре — главным образом трагедии А. Коцебу, мещанские драмы и французские водевили.
С 70-х гг. 19 в. в театре ставились произведения Б. Бьёрнсона и Г. Ибсена, но драматургия А. Стриндберга не допускалась на государственную сцену.
В 1908 здесь поставлена его драма «Местер Улуф», затем пьесы Б. Шоу, П. Лагерквиста, А. Шницлера. Я. Бергмана.
В 1933—38 театр возглавлял режиссёр У. Муландер. Он способствовал утверждению интеллектуального психологически тонкого стиля актёрского исполнения, характерного для этого театра и поныне. В 40—50-е гг. театр возглавлял А. Шёберг — ставил пьесы У. Шекспира, Ф. Гарсиа Лорки, Стриндберга («Фрекен Юлия», 1949) и др. Ведущие актёры: Г. Брустрём, А. Бьёрк, И. Тулин, М. Крок, У. Пальме, М. фон Сюдов и др.
В 1963—66 директором был режиссер И. Бергман; постановки: «Кто боится Вирджинии Вулф?» Олби (1963), «Гедда Габлер» Ибсена (1964) и др. С 1966 главынй режиссер и директор — актёр Э. Юсефсон. В репертуаре 70-х гг.: «Соната призраков» (1973), «Путь в Дамаск» (1974) Стриндберга, «Мандат» Эрдмана, «Дядя Ваня» Чехова (оба — в 1974), «Бюргер Шиппель» Штернхейма (1976) и др.
Риксдаг (швед. riksdag) — однопалатный парламент Швеции, состоящий из 349 членов, избираемых по пропорциональной системе сроком на четыре года. Риксдаг возглавляется спикером — тальманом (швед. Talman). Является высшим представительным и законодательным органом Швеции. Здание Риксдага находится в центре Стокгольма на острове Хельгеандсхольмен.